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What we do

Travel Management

High end Service

Getting corporate travelers to their destination safely, securely and hassle-free is the reason we’re here and, because we do it in the most businesslike, cost-effective way possible, giving our clients access to the very best deals, booking technologies and reporting services, we’re the reason many of the market’s leading companies are switching to a managed travel services model.

From full service and low-cost carriers, hotels, domestic and international rail providers, ground transportation, passports & visas, we don’t just process travel bookings - each one is delivered with an obsessive attention to detail. Our service is based on understanding, experience and best in region knowledge.

We integrate our teams with our clients’ businesses to build up a complete understanding of their needs and challenges, and then we design a travel management service that’s a perfect fit, encompassing every possible travel or ancillary service.

Image by Morgan Housel


Our technology enables us to track travel expenses,

analyze traveler and travel arranger behaviour and highlight individual examples and trends around of non-compliance. We then work with our clients to minimize further non-compliance by re-educating travelers and monitoring their satisfaction levels.

We have the tech infrastructure, people and systems to fulfil local, regional and global travel programmes seamlessly. We combine pro-active account management with great service and a flexible way of working, adapting local approach to global knowledge.


Our creative approach extends to fare and cost savings, based on our local bargaining power and drawing on the collective experience of our global network to make your travel budget

go further.

Dedicated account management teams use sophisticated analytics to consolidate spend, coordinate local and global pricing models and use every available saving opportunity.

We specialize in consolidating spend across international markets, especially for clients with different policies, practices and cultures. We make their travel program as agile as possible by anticipating traveler's needs and tailoring the available options accordingly.


Our approach to travel management considers Duty of care one of the top priorities. Any disruption that may happen will be tackled head on as we can pinpoint traveler’s locations anywhere in the world in real time. Our tools will enable travel managers to communicate and find solutions for emergencies using BT 24/7 assistance protocol. We also use third party global suppliers keeping the safety of our customers on a top spot.

Our mobile app will handle itinerary management, push notifications on itinerary changes as well as a comprehensive dashboard suite to ensure duty of care.

Travel management


Strategic advisory

We’ll put every element of your travel programme under the microscope, including your relationships with airlines, hotels and other suppliers, and the booking behaviour of employees.

When your travel spend is eating into your bottom line and you’ve gone as far as you can in getting the best value out of airlines and other suppliers, maybe it’s time to start thinking differently. We provide expert advice on your travel management strategy, optimising your travel programme and policies, implementing those improved policies, and preparing for future challenges and opportunities arising from developments in the travel industry, based on our market-leading analysis.

Travel policy


You’ll also start thinking bigger, when we redefine your objectives, and introduce new tools, policies and processes to get you there. We’ll help your travelers through the journey, educating them to make better booking decisions.

Your dedicated Key Account Manager will start analyzing the data to evaluate the new solutions and assess where further savings and refinements might be made. Our team will also act as your eyes on the future, dissecting travel trends and anticipating industry developments for opportunities to update and refine your travel strategy.

Travel consulting
Event management

Event Management


Expert advice and assistance in planning, implementation and management of corporate events.

More than 10.000 events organized including conferences, meetings, product launches, congresses, etc. 

Senior Project Manager allocated for integrated services Budget control. 



End to end MICE logistic

We provide end to end event logistics.

Our aim is to consolidate and manage every aspect of your travel and events, to generate savings on your MICE program with unmatched experience and buying power to guarantee best value rate packages.

Cost control

We only use tested venue recommendations with visibility of spend through data consolidation, reporting and analysis.

Flexibility, creativity and consultative approach with scalable solutions give our clients control and total visibility of spend and cost reductions.



Useful tool for attendee management and information management.

Enables interaction between speakers, sponsors and attendees.

Available on Android and IOS.

Enriches the event and add value to participants

EVENTS Features

Event Website

Registration management

Secure payments

Tailor made registration forms

Agenda dissemination

Custom made responsive design

Marketing tools available

Sponsorship management

Attendee management

Attendee welcoming

Assistance on spot

Onsite registration

Attendee tracking

Information management on personalized app

Document collection

Live schedule –push notification


Live questionnaires for real time perspectives

Customer satisfactions polls

Cost control

Email marketing

Monitor events KPI

Events powered by BUSINESS TRAVEL

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Congresul National de Reumatologie

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Congresul National de Oncologie 2022


Congresul National de Reumatologie

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Summer School in Oncology
 (SSOB) 2022

WhatsApp Image 2022-11-09 at 10.56_edite

Congresul National de Reumatologie

Summer School in Oncology
 (SSOB) 2018

European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (EASAPS) Congress, 2018

Summer School in Oncology
 (SSOB) 2019,2020,2021

Conferința Națională de Oncologie Ginecologică

 (CNOG) 2019

Summer School in Oncology
 (SSOB) 2017

European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (EASAPS) Congress, 2017

Succes stories

“Vreau doar sa iti multumesc extrem de mult in numele meu si al colegilor mei, pentru tot acest cycle…perfect! De la recomandare, la idei, implicare si tot ajutorul! Impecabil de la inceput la sfarsit. Iar rapiditatea raspunsurilor/ajutorului tau este absolut remarcabila. 


Multumim, Ioana, pentru intreaga organizare si ajutor neincetat zi si noapte!


Jos palaria!



Marketing & Field Force Assistant 

Pharmaceutical Company”

Dragii mei,


Inainte sa plec in concediu, vreau sa va multumesc din suflet pentru tot ajutorul cu evenimentul de saptamana trecuta! Organizarea a fost la superlativ, atat invitatii cat si colegii au fost cu adevarat impresionati si, daca de data aceasta au respectat programul, totul a mers impecabil. 😊


Va multumesc pentru promptitudinea in raspunsuri (pe orice canal de comunicare), pentru ideile frumoase si pentru faptul ca ne sunteti mereu alaturi! 


O saptamana usoara,



Trade Marketing & Junior Product Manager CHC

In numele meu personal si al intregii echipe organizatoare a Summer PoA 2017 va transmit “la rece” J felicitari pentru modul profesionist si foarte suportiv in care ati reusit sa raspundeti la toate solicitarile noastre in ceea ce priveste asigurarea conditiilor necesare desfasurarii acestui eveniment. 

Desi pe parcursul pregatirilor am inregistrat mai multe momente in care noi nu ne-am aliniat corespunzator si nu am transmis la timp toate detaliile necesare ati stiut sa veniti in intampinarea noastra si ne-ati oferit un sprijin foarte valoros. Majoritatea covarsitoare a participantilor a transmis un feedback excelent in tot ceea ce priveste organizarea acestui cycle meeting si cu siguranta o mare contributie va revine si voua.

Draga Anda,


Te rog sa ma ajuti in a transmite multumirile mele si a intregii tale echipe pentru un eveniment excelent organizat!

De asementea, iti multumesc tie atat pentru recomandarile facute (mai ales cu firma de la tehnic – ireprosabili) cat si pentru suportul excelent pe care ni l-ai acordat, de multe ori si in afara programului.



Un astfel de inceput ma onoreaza si totodata aduce un grad inalt de incredere pentru viitor.

Spor in toate,

Thank you immensely for all the support provided for this event! It was complex and had many last-minute requests, and I owe most of the success to you. We were especially congratulated for all the organization in Iași as well as in Bucharest.

Thank you, and I appreciate the professionalism you demonstrate with every event we organize together.


Eliza S. 

Clients Visits & Experience

Draga Alex,

Draga George,


Multumim pentru reusita celei de-a 3-a editii a Zentiva Cardio! Prin tot ceea ce faceti sunteti de departe unul dintre ingredientele cheie ale succesului evenimentelor noastre!




Head of Marketing RX

Dragii mei,


Vreau sa va spun si eu un mare MULTUMESC si sa va felicit pentru tot suportul acordat in organizarea acestui Cycle Meeting!

Este remarcabil raspunsul vostru prompt la toate solicitarile noastre, care sunt sigur ca nu au fost foarte simple.

Ati dat dovada de un real profesionalism, flexibilitate, proactivitate si atentie la cele mai mici detalii.

Aceste lucruri nu au trecut neobservate nici de colegii mei care si-au exprimat cuvintele de lauda fie prin e-mailuri, fie prin sms-uri sau prin viu grai.


A fost unul dintre cele mai reusite Cycle Meeting-uri si un MARE aport l-ati avut voi!


Ca intotdeauna, colaborarea cu voi a avut numai rezultate extraordinare si am incredere ca in continuare vom colabora cel putin la fel de bine!


Va multumesc!

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